If Mr. Moroun was hoping for any reversal of his fortunes on the Canadian side, he can seemingly forget it.

Jack Layton, leader of the surging NDP Party in Canada, has confirmed support for the DRIC project. His party has moved into 2nd place ahead of the fading Liberals and is closing on the ruling Conservatives, who also support DRIC, as the Canadian election campaign heads toward Tuesday's election.

It is interesting the Canada's fractious left, which has allowed Conservatives to rule with under 40% of the vote, may be deciding to give the NDP a chance. Most interesting is that Bloc Québécois voter are peeling off toward the NDP. Were it not for the nationalist issue they would be natural allies as they share many of the same values.

Could there be a big upset on Tuesday's national election? While it is a long shot I would like to hear some opinion by the Canadians on the board on how such a turn of an events could effect Windsor, long an NDP stronghold, and Canada as a whole.