I just now found out another friend of a friend is dead to an overdose. I just got a call from an old GF that her best friend had just been found dead. I have to ask, why are drugs and addiction to drugs considered a criminal issue with the State and Country while every doctor you talk to considers addiction a health issue.

I believe drugs should be regulated, taxed, and controlled. More people die over drugs than by drugs. 35,000 ppl have been killed over drugs in Mexico during the past four years alone, and the overdoses that do happen are most often because the drugs are unregulated and cut to be too strong. When a junkie on the street hears about somebody dying of an overdose, the first thing they want to know is what spot they got it from so they can get that strong stuff.

Should I get started on the prison system which is quickly becoming a privatized system, which only wants more human stock for their cells. They encourage tougher sentences on drug offenders because they know they are the easiest target. Never mind that most of which are non violent offenders, or they have families to support which will now turn to State assistance. These laws are almost only enforced in the inner cities, imprisoning the poor who are obviously unable to afford real legal defense.

My FOAF is dead because she shot a hot pack of heroin, I never knew her but I am all too familiar with the story.

If you feel the way I do you dont have to donate money to a cause but it should be your duty to talk about this issue, if enough of us talk it will get to our State, and then Washington.

For more info on this issue I personally recommend http://www.drugpolicy.org/ They have a lot of relevant info that will probably surprise you.

Do what you do best, talk, get pissed, wave your arms around in frustration, help end this ridiculous and obsolete war on drugs.

Heres a chart to show you what Regans re start of the war has done for our prison system starting in the 80s. Yes I know, I recently used this chart in an earlier thread, I like it that much. Please notice that we have two million of us in prison, and somewhere around half of those are in for a non violent drug offense.

Im curious, how many of you have lost someone to drugs? What was the story? Did they die, are they in prison, are they still struggling? Do you believe the current war on drugs treated that person correctly?