I don't really understand the point of this.

In my humble opinion, I believe the good people in this city who are mindful of the needs of others, whatever their faith or disbelief, are the ones going to turn around the city. Just hoping Jesus is going to fix things isn't going to help.

It sounds mostly like they're gearing up to proselytize.

The only part I think is useful is this:
"They will also provide medical mobile clinics and distribute thousands of meals to the needy, among other efforts. "
but I'd guess they'll be preaching at the recipients of their charity.

Detroit has also got to be one of the most Christian cities in the WORLD given the high church attendance rates of African Americans, and then the Hispanic Catholics in SW Detroit as well. So I'm not sure how much more Jesus we can cram in here.

Interestingly, we had a cleanup on the eastside on that same day. It would have been nice if some of those people would have joined us to get their hands dirty and really help the city. I think it helped more than their Jesus rally. They would probably be upset that there were nonbelievers and Catholics there helping to clean up the city. I'm guessing they won't be doing stuff like helping the neighborhoods where we really need help.

Oh well. Happy Passover!