Not sure if anyone have caught this but the murderer of Je’Rean Blake just pleaded guilty to 2nd degree murder and in exchange for this plea, the murderer will testify that the father of Aiyana Stanley-Jones gave him the murder weapon.|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s

Now, I am disappointed in Wayne County. The murderer got a dirty look, went home, got a gun, returned to the scene and murdered this young man for a dirty look and he gets 28 years. Twenty-eight years for taking a life over a look. What the fuck? Is this Law and Order? The city of Detroit and Wayne County took one on the chin because a Detroit police officer fired his firearm and a 7year old lost her life and now all eyes are on the father to tilt the scale in public opinion. If Charles Jones indeed supplied the murder weapon then he should answer for that but to give a cold-blooded murderer 28 years is just wrong.