America's 30 Funniest Cities
Tomorrow is April Fools' Day, but which city is going to laugh loudest? From New York to New Orleans, The Daily Beast ranks the 30 Funniest Cities in America. Where does your hometown rank?

A good joke can bring a city together, or in some cases, instantly wash over years of pain. Here's comedian David Alan Grier's take on his Detroit upbringing:

"I grew up in Detroit, Michigan, in the '60s, the '70s. It was a kinder, gentler time. Sure, we had a race riot or two, but deep down inside, we loved each other."

While the joke doesn't dismiss a serious topic, it has a way of making Detroit's race problems seem, if nothing else, a thing of the past. Every city has its problems, but laughter can help a city heal its wounds. In short, the city that laughs together, stays together.
Detroit came in at a respectable number 8.