The actor who played Snoop [[the hitwoman) did prison time for murder and just recently got busted for heroin and is facing more time.

One of Omars two friends in county lockup who helped him out with a cell phone and knife was head of a large crew of dealers in Bmore. This is unconfirmed though, a rumor I heard.

The Deacon was also a large scale dealer in Bmore, Melvin Williams.

Bubbs NA/AA sponsor is in real life country musics Steve Earle, a recovering addict.

Bubbs white sidekick and student of the streets is Leo Fitzpatrick who was himself a street punk. He was "discovered" by one of my favorite photographers and directors Larry Clark for his movie Kids. I recently saw him on a few episodes of Sons of Anarchy as a prospect of the MC but was cut from the show apparently, I was sad to see him go, he would have made a great character as a biker.

Kurt Schmoke really got a raw deal on his ideas back then, a real civil servant thinking way ahead of his time.