I'm appreciative of all of the newfound interest in Detroit, though, I'm a bit put-off by a certain segment of those that want to treat it as some kind of blank canvass where no one lives or where rules don't exist. And then you have those that come from the angle of pity, wanting to make the place their charity case like some kind of morbid pilgrimage/anthropological case study as if they are visiting a zoo.

Poor fools. The community college kids have their heart in the right place. I actually kind of pity them. This place eats good ideas and good intentions alive. Hate to see people's hearts broken, which is what inevitably happens. They'll soon find that Detroit is a place that doesn't take kindly to being dictated to, vertically. It's both it's greatest strength and greatest weakness. Detrot'll begin its resurgence [[with help from the outside) when someone[[s) level[[s) with its citizens, horizontally. That is