Think it was Sr. John clement Hungermann IHM, a professor at Marygrove, who was murdered one evening in Northwest Detroit [[possibly 1983) as she was walking home from work. The guy put a pistol in her mouth and pulled the trigger. Possibly she didn't have any money.

But I have to say this about mothers who say their sons are "good boys" when it patently isn't true: my own mother had some hint that my brother wasn't good or cooperative and even doing illegal, disreputable things, but she always stuck by him and would certainly have said he was "good." I think she could never forget the little boy she carried.

But unlike the mother in this story, my mother would have said that she shared some of the blame, when she patently did. This mother might be infering that society is to blame when young men go around with guns out of hunger. But anyway, she does not seem to shoulder any blame.