Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
While your childish hissy fit is entertaining, it certainly doesn't do anything other than underline your inflamed fixation on being Matty's butt-boy. If you're fine with being a bottom, I certainly respect your lifestyle choice. I know it must be a difficult decision to come out, but I support you in that choice.

However, if I wasn't talking about you before, my friend, I am now. You Bill Shea, the so-called journalist from Crain's Business Journal, are a shill, a flack, a rip-n-write artist who masquarde's as a newshound. Simple as that.

hackhackhack. Silly boy. Now run along, before you get hurt.
To help those following at home keep score:

1. You're fixated on homophobic hate-speech as insults.

2. You continue to dodge when caught in a lie about not addressing me personally up-thread.

3. You can't produce any examples of stories when questioned.

4. You make vague threats of physical or some other types of violence when called out [["Now run along before you get hurt.")

5. When tweaked, your breathless adolescent prose becomes riddled with amusing typos.

I think that about sums it up nicely.

I think that's what those who toil on the Interwebs call a classic "melt."

Impressive. I'll wait here for more of your hate speech and threats, son.