I work with a not-for-profit organization that develops affordable housing solutions for low income families. The center of our mission is the belief that homeownership builds personal personal wealth with a homeowner has the right support and training to go along with her or his otherwise limited resources. This has been a successful program over the last 15 years as dozens of low income families have used their homes as launching pads toward better careers and higher net worth.

This week, a man approached me with a big idea. He is a developer of some kind who says he has people to front the money to buy dozens of foreclosed homes at pennies on the dollar in the low income neighborhoods where my organization works. These investors would cover the cost of buying and renovating each home to the tune of about $10,000 to $20,000 each. The developer asked to use my organization's brand. We would find low-income buyers for the homes and arrange bank mortgages at about $25,000 to $30,000 each. Half of the profit would go back to the investors and the other half would buy more homes. My organization would get to make more homeowners of low income families.

I've got a weird feeling about this, but some of my colleagues seem to like the idea. I reckon someone out there has some experience or an educated opinion.

Should we go for this or tell this guy no thanks?