Quote Originally Posted by NorthEnder View Post
We won't have to see, anything. Barring something that gets him state-wide or national attention in a negative way, he's getting re-elected. You can bark at him all that you want. If he's not going to be brought down by wind-swept fires literally burning in every corner of the city in a day, nothing that passes as "normal" in Detroit will bring him down. There is nothing, nothing negative in substance that has stuck to this guy, thus far. The most damning criticism has been about his style, and that sure as hell won't be enough to topple him all by itself.
You may refer to what's happening in Detroit under Mayor Bing as "normal". However, I doubt the majority of voters do or will.

Go to any community meeting in this city and you will hear an incredible amount of complaining about Mayor Bing and his lack of accomplishments. The news media isn't picking up on it. However, the MSM is always behind of the curve on this.

Keep his feet to the fire, but I hope you're not buying what you're saying, because this guy is cruising to re-election.
In politics, if you're cruising, you're pretty much guaranteed to go down in defeat.

The primary is still 2 1/2 years away. Mayor Bing still has time to turn it around. However, he is going to have to start producing results that matter to the majority of Detroiters.