62 students in a classroom is absurd. Of course, a large number of the students won't show up regularly, so that should ease the crowding.

I believe that this plan is largely posturing in the hope of getting some kind of relief, but at this point the DPS is primarily about providing jobs and day care, and if anything like these proposed class sizes are actually implemented that will only be more true. I agree with evergreen: in a class that size, even if there are no true special-ed kids, there will be at least a couple that require an inordinate amount of attention, and it will be very difficult for any teacher to keep the classroom on track. Not to mention the large number of kids who won't be at the proper level of preparation in any case and requiring still more effort from the teacher.

I really don't see the educational point of continuing to run the DPS. It should be eliminated as soon as possible, and the resources reallocated. I'd like to see vouchers in Detroit, but if not, let the kids go to charters or out-of-district. Some of the relatively functional schools could be converted to charters if needed.