We decided to get new windows while the tax credit was still available. Well, they are going in today. The old frames tested positive for lead, so we are under Haz Mat regs due to a law passed in April. Plus it costs about $100 more per window because of the abatement. Now, we have been living in this house for 20+ years. We have painted the window frames ourselves, with non-lead paint of course, so the lead paint is all covered. It's an exciting scene, the neighbors are wondering what crime was committed in here.

YET, because of this law, the entire house is surrounded by yellow tape and HazMat warnings are posted on the doors. None of the workers is wearing a Moon Suit, but they did tell us we were not supposed to be here and should have completely cleared out the rooms where the windows were to be installed. They taped everything over with plastic.

I frankly think this is overkill. These laws need to have some kind of range of application from minor to major hazard. Asbestos, same thing. Jumping in like something is going to kill you when there would be little if any impact makes no sense to me.

Here is info on the law:
