Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
I hope you didn't take that as an insult, I was using the term in it's most direct and pure form, merely describing the condition...not judging you for it.

Here is a bit more, this may indeed be a troubling development...and may NOT be HAARP.


Thanks to Kate for bringing this to my attention through Facebook.
I'm 99% sure that story is a hoax. It originated at whatdoesitmean.com, which is a crazy wacko conspiracy theory site. The writer, "Sorcha Faal," who claims to be a Russian woman journalist with amazing access to secret documents, has been shown to be a pen name of a known hoaxster. The European Union Times, where you read it, is a white supremacist site - not that it discounts the story entirely, but it's not the kind of place I'd go for trustworthy news.
Plus, just read it. A rational person's BS meter should go off within a few paragraphs, and if not, that part at the end is just too bizarre to belong in a real news story.