Okay, so back in Cockrel's hot minute that he was in power, he started a curbside recycling pilot in Rosedale Park and East English Village and the surrounding areas. The project has continued in these areas, ignored by the current administration, whose only "green" project has been branding the incinerator "green energy." His quote, not mine. Whatever.

I've loved living in an area covered by something so important to me.

Normally I'm not home on Mondays, our collection day, but because of the holiday weekend I was today. I saw a CoD garbage truck come down the street...and dump the contents of our recycling bins in the back of it!

I'm not well-versed on the logistics of recycling, and call me cynical, but this struck me as suspect. Is the city pitching our recyclables that we so diligently put out every week?! What gives here?

Perhaps someone can enlighten me as to how they operate this program...or a Free Press reporter can tail one of these garbage trucks full of my recyclables to the incinerator...