Incineration is growing in Europe. Detroit was at the vanguard when the incinerator was built. Check out what's happening... from the NYTimes....

Why is Europe ahead of the U.S. in embracing clean incinerators that turn garbage into energy?

Johan Spanner for The New York Times
The Vestforbraending plant in Copenhagen, the largest of the 29 waste-to-energy plants in Denmark. Their use has reduced the country's energy costs.

Far cleaner than conventional incinerators, this new type of plant converts local trash into heat and electricity. Dozens of filters catch pollutants, from mercury to dioxin, that would have emerged from its smokestack only a decade ago.

Read full article in New York Times
Your choice. Live in the past and oppose progress, and surprise, you'll get no progress and watch Europe figure out how to do green.

Yes, we have an old trash incinerator. Maybe its time to improve. Not regress because of naysayers.

Detroit's incinerator heats downtown Detroit with less CO2 than suburbia who is burning natural gas.