Detroit News: Corruption probe looks at water deals

Records from 2 firms with ties to Kilpatricks, Ferguson investigated

by Robert Snell / The Detroit News

Detroit — Documents subpoenaed from Detroit Water and Sewerage contractors with close ties to ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, his parents and his friend Bobby Ferguson are expected to play a role in the next round of City Hall corruption indictments, The Detroit News has learned.

The federal grand jury investigating corruption has issued subpoenas to Detroit-based Lakeshore Engineering Services and A&H Contractors Inc., related companies that until recently shared executives who contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the political campaigns of Kilpatrick and his mother, outgoing U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick.

The revelations are further indications that the investigation is focusing on business dealings involving the Water and Sewerage Department, a cash-rich utility in which Kilpatrick once had broad powers to award multimillion-dollar contracts without Detroit City Council approval.

Kilpatrick and his father, political consultant Bernard Kilpatrick, have been publicly linked to the federal investigation but have not been charged with any crimes, though there are signs the government is zeroing in on Bernard Kilpatrick...