I have to laugh once again at those who make the headlines over at the Freep. Their reading comprehension skills must be pretty shallow. Today's sub-line says,

Mich. man's charade as doctor ends in disgrace

The ambiguity of this comment forced me to aim the disgrace properly!

This fellow faked being a credentialed professional for fifteen years, and Beaumont acknowledges that he was GREAT at his job of creating simulations to train their staff for potential emergencies.

So what do they do? They fire him, instead of putting him in a position where he could continue being an obvious asset to the organization. He never asked to be in contact with patients, and it is apparent THIS anomaly is what made someone look a bit closer at him.

I know I'm going to catch hell for this, but it is just too fucking funny for me to let it go. He faked this for fifteen years and did some good for a business that needed his particular talents.

NOW? I'd bet Hollywood is chasing him down for the story rights!

It won't be as exciting as that Leonardo Dicaprio story about the pilot from the sixties...but then again, we don't know what license Hollywood will make out of it!