Quote Originally Posted by Vic01 View Post
#1 Quit whining!, the majority of michigan voters put this law on the books, not "lawmakers" - The people want this law, get used to it!
#2 smokers "get charged monstrous taxes"? What a joke! Take a look at what they pay in New York, $12-$14 per pack due to taxes. Many other states are taxed higher than Michigan..., maybe we need to raise the tax to match NY, if you can't afford it... Quit!
#3 We listened to all the crybaby smokers before WE passed this law by a clear majority, do we really need to hear the minority that didn't get their way still whining about it?! Get Over It!!!
I love how all you have to do is say that the other side is "whining" -- as if this somehow elevates your level of debate.

If the majority of Michigan voters got exactly what they wanted, without political interference in the process, why did Michigan voters care about the health of workers to ban smoking in workplaces -- with the exception of casinos?

Actually, taxes range pretty high across the board, but Michigan is one of the top ten most expensive states to buy a carton of cigarettes in. Given the state's economic condition, perhaps it is excessive to ask our state's smokers to pay quite so much for the simple pleasure of smoking tobacco.

As for other measures that have passed by a majority, take a look at the Volstead Act. It was passed with a clear majority, and yet it was rescinded after 13 years. After a while, people felt the law was unreasonable, and so it was taken away.

If you want a law that protects workers from smoke, it naturally follows that you'd want a good law that is easy to obey. This law was not a good law.