voted in Warren at 2:30...i got in to the booth quickly but the machine jammed when so i couldnt enter my ballot into it when I was done filling it out. Older man in line was like what’s the hold up? To which the election worker lady explained the machine was jammed. He was like well where is another one..the lady replied there wasn’t another one we were only allotted one. He was like well hell buy one, the city of Warren has tons of money...he was dead serious. The man really believes the city has tons of money. A few of us in line initially laughed thinking he was joking..but turns out he wasn’t. I found it strange that anyone would think a city has tons of money when most of them are broke.

all in all though the whole process only took about 15 minutes. No slower or faster, no more or less crowded then the presidental election was.
Personally for me this was a tough election since I had no idea who to vote for I struggled right up to the end