I am mesmerized by the "Victim of a Crime" thread and think we need to list all the stupidities and nastinest of Detroit's 911 operators. Maybe someone will see it.

last week iIcalled in a non-emergency to 911 [[ 311 does not work most of the time). Anyway, the problem was on Campbell Ave. Now I have lived in Detroit all my life; my mothers ancestors came with Cadillac and had ribbon farms - that's how far back my Detroit connections go. I possess a B.A. from Marygrove College. I think I know the correct pronunciation of the word Campbell.

The operator was unhappy about my request for police service and she couldn't get the name of the street right. Finally, spelled it and she said "Kemball. You are pronouncing it wrong." What! I said and she repeated that I need to pronounce the street names right, that I was saying Caampbell instead of the correct Kembell.

Anyway, I am sick of the 911 operators and this was the last straw. I hung up and waited a moment and called back, asking a new operator if I could speak with a supervisor - who was great. But she said one thing that dismayed me. She said that she was going to check whether the operator "put in the ticket." I took it that 911 operators siometimes make their own decisions about what gets answered.