Woke up early, thought I would go out a buy a paper for my mother from the box a block away. This was about 7:30 am. Drove up, boxes were both empty. Had to think where other boxes might be. Drove over to boxes across from a popular coffee shop. Boxes were empty but still had crumbled versions of Friday News in the windows. Saw a cube truck with "publishing company" on it and waited.

The delivery guy comes out with maybe 10 copies of Free Press and Detroit News each. Both, had only one section of news for the Saturday Edition. The guy insisted I take my choice for free. He is obviously a disgruntled employee. Poor thing is made to deliver obviously limited copies to high volume newstands and probably is beaten up verbally for things outside his control.

On one level I felt bad for excepting a free paper, on another level I support the employee's disinfranchisment. On still another level, the lack of current news in this very slim document wasn't worth the 50 cent price tag. Also the news in it was several days old. My mother read key stories titles and it was old old news to me. We were able to discourse without me reading its lame "old" news.

I am truely saddened by the demise of our papers. The electronic editions don't sadden me, it is the lack of any news of note. I can only hope that visionaries recognize the lack of colgolmerates to report news as it happens and their political bias. It is scary to think our news have become the Pablum of this generation.