Is this City going completely nuts?

How dare the Clowncil blame police and fire for the slow response time when the fires took out neighborhoods? Do they seriously think that the fire department and police department were sitting on their hands doing nothing during this time?

Why don't they just tell the people the truth? The City has no money, they won't hire firefighters or policemen to protect and serve. There weren't enough people to go around during the "natural disaster" that Bing claims happened. 14 off duty firemen responsed to the calls and they were not mandated to come in at all.

60,000 illegal electric hook ups throughout the City of Detroit needs to be addressed first. With haphazard wiring in neighborhoods, what do the people expect?

It's time for Detroit politicans to tell it like it is....the money is either in someone's pocket, it's all gone, it's in off shore accounts, and we can't hire anyone.