Quote Originally Posted by Zimm View Post
detroit's only hope for a meaningful recovery in the next 50 years would be to annex all of wayne county, then succeed from the united states and declare itself an independent nation. unlike when the southern states succeeded, the rest of the country will not care when detroit leaves, and will probably be happy to no longer bear its burden. then, as a 3rd world country, the detroit/wayne county-nation could get all sorts of grants, low interest loans from the world bank, or just get Bono to lobby for forgiveness of the debt, which would allow for a total re-build and do-over. since there's little of value in the county, it could declare itself a tax-free zone for a decade or 2, and live off the international monies until enough businesses re-locate to take advantage of the business climate. after a couple of generations of hard work, hopefully all the apathy and uneducatedness can be purged in time to take advantage of the rebuilt city-state.
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