Boy what a time it was. The celebration of all things German featured reasonably priced German fare including sausages, sweet pickled beets; saurkraut flavored with sausage; German style potato salad;,assorted cakes and strudel ,and German beer.Attendance was WAY up from two years ago, and the organizers were well prepared for the additional partiers. There was a real live German guy in Liedrhausen? jamming German tunes on an accordian in a large tent that later featured a local band. A traveling troupe of young dancers demonstrated traditional dances, and an after choir concert tour of the belltower [[spire) was given following the event. The recreation building featured historical pictures and articles-aritfacts detailing the history of the congregation. Seems some of the older residents moved during the urban renewal period and in the seventies moved back to the old neighborhood when they entered retirement,and a roster of names of financial donors from the 1870's was displayed. I noticed an individual that shared my last name. The Gothic style church is an ornate-architecturally sound masterpiece, a must see for Detroitophiles.