Work can wait, y'all - - Check out A Rant About 'Scrappers' by Darrell Dawsey.

It's pegged to the Packard Plant insider-stripping [DY thread on 9.20.10 DetNews article here], with powerful testimony about the urgent need "to figure out a way to stop feeding on ourselves."
I nearly cried at what I saw. The [tenant-vacated] home that my wife and I had worked so hard to care for was a total dump. ...

I'd tried to hold on to my house even after leaving the neighborhood — despite the economy, despite the falling property values, despite the fact that I had something bigger, newer — and I just couldn't.

Worse, I knew I wasn't alone. I knew there were hundreds of thousands of Detroiters fighting the same fight, well-meaning people who were trying like hell to hold fast whatever stake they had in this town, but who were no longer willing to be inundated by ridiculous odds.