[[WXYZ) – An exclusive new WXYZ-TV/Detroit News poll shows Detroit City Council President Monica Conyers is not supported by the majority of people in the city.

The poll was conducted between April 24 and 26. It has a sample size of 400 people, and a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9%. It shows that Conyers currently has a 69% unfavorable rating. Things get even worse when voters are asked if they want Conyers in the city’s top office. Only 4% of people say they would vote for her if she was running as a write-in candidate for mayor.

The poll also shows that Detroiters may be fed up with City Council as a whole. Results show that only 9% of voters are happy with the job the body is doing. As for Conyers leadership on the issues Council is currently facing, voters have a slightly better view. However only 16% give her a positive rating.

We also asked voters about their view of the suburbs. While neither option won a majority, 47% of the voters we surveyed say they trust suburban leaders to work with the city of Detroit. That’s compared with the 45% of voters who say they don’t trust the suburbs to work with the city.


I would like to read the list of public figures. For each name I read, please tell me if you recognize the name, and if so, whether your opinion of that person is favorable or unfavorable.

Barack Obama-
Favorable 95%
Unfavorable 3%

Jennifer Granholm-
Favorable 78%
Unfavorable 19%

Dave Bing-
Favorable 60%
Unfavorable 24%

Ken Cockrel Jr.-
Favorable 62%
Unfavorable 29%

Monica Conyers-
Favorable 22%
Unfavorable 69%

How would you rate the job being done by the Detroit City Council?

Positive 9%
Negative 90%

Thinking specifically about the job City Council President Monica Conyers has done handling issues where she has taken a public stand, such as the recent Cobo Hall expansion issue, how would you rate the job Monica Conyers has done?

Positive 16%
Negative 81%

At one time, Monica Conyers said that she was considering running for Mayor in the upcoming election as a write in candidate, but decided against it. If she had run for Mayor of Detroit as a write in candidate and the election were held today, would you vote for Dave Bing, Monica Conyers or Ken Cockrel Jr?

Bing 30%
Conyers 4%
Cockreal 42%

Thinking about issues where the City of Detroit and suburban communities in Oakland County, Macomb County and Western Wayne have tried in the past to work together with Detroit on joint projects, or may try to work together in the future, how much do you trust the government leaders of the surrounding suburban communities to fairly deal with the City of Detroit as an equal partner in the development of joint projects?

Trust 47%
Distrust 45%