I have a good story to help illustrate the current Detroit mindset. I was walking past the old Arcade bar. There was a box on the sidewalk next to, and presumably part of, a larger pile of garbage. It held old newspapers, an old pepsi tin sign, etc in the box. I poked my head inside to ask the guy cleaning the place out if I could dig through the box. "Sure." he said. So I started digging. A few moments later he came out and said "Mmm i don't know... that stuff might be worth something..." yanking the box inside.

If I had not expressed an interest, that box would be in a landfill right now. So how does it relate to DPS? Now that somebody is paying attention to DPS the citizens who have ignored DPS like that box of garbage are now suddenly outraged.

My favorite quote from the meeting was "I have to yell. It's the only way I'll be heard."

There you go kiddies-straight from your role model's mouth. It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, the loudest person is right. So why take time to research and get to know all angles of an issue when you can shout your way into being right?

Thankfully there was another speaker who, seeing the absolute breakdown of civil discourse as well as seeing children in the audience said "... what are we teaching our children?"

Befuddled and Baffled and have had a baby- Baffuddled