I'd like to know that how is it that my having to smell the incinerator almost daily gives some of you forumers the right to call me a communist, socialist, environmentalist or some other of your perceived insults?

Guess what? Your shit smells the same as mine. Your garbage, trucked down here on a daily basis, so I can smell it, smells the same as mine. Your "holier than thou" attitude wreaks as bad as the diaper smell I deal with on a daily basis. And don't give me that BS that it gets so hot that emissions are negligible. Ask those socialist Canadians what they think of the incinerator.

And by the way, don't think that smell doesn't work its way into the Grosse Pointes either. Their a bunch of socialist assholes, too, aren't they.

For once, grow up and make an effort to understand someone else's side before firing off the same useless garbage [[no pun intended) such as name calling and superiority. Much like the stench from the incinerator, it serves no useful purpose.