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  1. #1
    Stosh Guest

    Default False Flag Operation in the Gulf Of Mexico!

    I can believe this!

    BP blocking media access New Orleans interview

    A pattern of evidence from independent investigative reporters is emerging to suggest that the BP oil “spill” in the Gulf of Mexico may be an intentional “false flag” event in the genre of disaster capitalism, with the “environmental war” purpose of wrecking the environment of the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern United States and causing economic and social hardship to the population, and possible physical evacuation into FEMA camps operated by Halliburton on behalf of an international war crimes network. Halliburton is, by the emerging evidence, itself a prime suspect in the false flag operation.

    Read More Here:

  2. #2


    paranoid much?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    I can believe this!
    Is Gannon posting under your name?

  4. #4


    Stosh and I seem to notice similar trends in this regard.

    Mine always go decidedly more mystical, though.

    This one seems SO strange [[I almost said fishy, but declined the poor obvious pun) that it defies definition.

    More I look into it, more it seems that over the last hundred or so years of cheap oil, we've been gradually releasing dark souls into the atmosphere...thusly increasing the depth of available evil temptation to us mere humans...and that this disaster has directly tapped into a real Hell in Earth. Unleashed like never before...Jed Clampitt thought HE had troubles with his crude find.

    What we perceive as the most amazing chemical/spiritual experiment ever imagined playing out before the world...the blending [[at untested depths, pressures, and temperatures) of raw petro-products with highly-refined, [[if diluted) petro-products [[from the heartland run-off into the Mississippi and other contributaries to the Gulf of Mexico)...then again instigated [[closer to sea-level pressure with obvious heat added from ol' Sol) with a 'dispersal agent' which is nothing but highly toxic chemicals...is actually the releasing of the entirety of dark beings held captive since their little mistake in the Garden of Eden. It's going to be something huge, something the powers that be DON'T want the populace seeing live...some witnesses and observers have already said they see demonic faces in the burn-off smoke and underwater plumes.

    [[yeah, of course that could be Rorschach-like, we see what we want to see, yadda-yadda!)

    Sorta a Revelatory Event, but in a way nobody expected. It does dovetail weirdly with a loose interpretation of the trumpets in Revelation. Sea turning to blood and a third of the creatures dying. Water becoming bitter and undrinkable. [[then my extrapolation of the weather changing due the age-old maxim of water and oil not mixing, as H2O molecules are kept from evaporating from the Gulf, central Florida's farming and gardening, even the entirety of their orange crop mainstay, is goners...and I will miss that wonderful refreshing tasty Day-Without-Sunshine Vitamin C source.)

    A bunch of bible end-time enthusiasts must be in shock and awe a bit right now...wondering if they've been left behind!

    Oil may be the Earth's blood, the reports and imagery from the cameras show this particular tap to be a very dark red...and they're one step closer to achieving the Georgia Guidestone's General Goals. It might all be different aspects of the same exact storyline.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    This used to be a "can do" country. Any other President would not rest until this leak was fixed. There would be no stone unturned and no mountain unmoved to get this leak stopped.

    What happened to America?

  6. #6


    Quote: "What happened to America?"

    It became more like Europe. We can't do anything unless it follows strict guidelines and all corresponding paperwork is in triplicate. We can't do anything unless it's "politically correct". We can't do anything unless certain criteria has been met. He or she can't do this because they haven't done that. In short, we've litigated and systematically navigated ourselves away from the spirit of ability and ingenuity. The populace has washed their brains with repetitive assembly work, Millions of hours of mindless TV shows, never picking up a tool to actually do anything, never thinking about accomplishing or creating anything. When the focal point of their day is who is playing first base.

    When I was a teenager and started noticing grown men could not change their own tire, I realized we were headed for trouble. Now kids spend their every free moment playing Xbox and Wii, as the oil oozes into the gulf. The rest of the world is right, we're idiots.

    The words of Ronald Reagan really apply here: "We've had it too good, too long"
    Last edited by Sstashmoo; June-15-10 at 03:52 PM.

  7. #7
    lilpup Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    What happened to America?
    The middle class disappeared and the rich don't want to pay for anything that they don't profit or obviously directly benefit from.
    Last edited by lilpup; June-15-10 at 03:46 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    It has also been said by many of the leaders in power that every crisis holds opportunity. If they get this spill big and bad enough, they can turn on the oil industry, double and quadrouple our energy costs and spiral our economy into a double dip recession.

    There are a lot of green industries that stand to make a buck on this disaster at the expense of the common American...

  9. #9



    And here I thought that the North Korean explanation was "interesting"?

  10. #10
    Retroit Guest


    Everyone knows this was orchestrated by Dick Cheney and the Rethuglicans to make Obama look bad so he'll get voted out the next election.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    we know they are going to pay Mr. President.

    but the oil is still leaking and all you are doing is making adolescent comments, sending in lawyers, and attacking the entire energy industry.

    When is he going to figure out he's not a community activist anymore, and he's the President of the United States? Stop playing the victim card, you are in charge, Mr. President. The buck stops with you.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    we know they are going to pay Mr. President.

    but the oil is still leaking and all you are doing is making adolescent comments, sending in lawyers, and attacking the entire energy industry.

    When is he going to figure out he's not a community activist anymore, and he's the President of the United States? Stop playing the victim card, you are in charge, Mr. President. The buck stops with you.
    First thing... You don't know if BP will pay or tie you up in court for years to keep from paying.

    Secondly... You got your wish with the oil industry de-regulation the companies not the gov't have the technology to stop such a leak.
    You want both sides of the coin.

    You want gov't to get out of the way and then when the oil companies do things that they can't even figure out. You holler about gov't coming to save you.

    If the President nationalized the company I guess you would complain about that as well

    You wanted the last 30 years of Reaganomics now live with the results.

  13. #13


    You want them to use their magic powers?!?!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    This used to be a "can do" country. Any other President would not rest until this leak was fixed. There would be no stone unturned and no mountain unmoved to get this leak stopped.

    What happened to America?

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by ejames01 View Post
    You want them to use their magic powers?!?!?!

    To the Bat Phone, Obama!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    His speech last night was 30 paragraphs. 3 of them were about the actual repair and cleanup of the oil spill. 27 of them were about how bad oil companies are and how good Government is.

    Don't forget - as the media and the Government badmouths the oil industry, that oil and gas are not the only thing that crude creates. How about.....Ammonia, Anesthetics, Antihistamines, Artificial limbs, Artificial Turf, Antiseptics, Aspirin, Auto Parts, Awnings, Balloons, Ballpoint pens, Bandages, Beach Umbrellas, Boats, Cameras, Candles, Car Battery Cases, Carpets, Caulking, Combs, Cortisones, Cosmetics, Crayons, Credit Cards, Curtains, Deodorants, Detergents, Dice, Disposable Diapers, Dolls, Dyes, Eye Glasses, Electrical Wiring Insulation, Faucet Washers, Fishing Rods, Fishing Line, Fishing Lures, Food Preservatives, Food Packaging, Garden Hose, Glue, Hair Coloring, Hair Curlers, Hand Lotion, Hearing Aids, Heart Valves, Ink, Insect Repellant, Insecticides, Linoleum, Lip Stick, Milk Jugs, Nail Polish, Oil Filters, Panty Hose, Perfume, Petroleum Jelly, Rubber Cement, Rubbing Alcohol, Shampoo, Shaving Cream, Shoes, Toothpaste, Trash Bags, Upholstery, Vitamin Capsules, Water Pipes, and Yarn!

    Government = Good
    Private Industry = Bad
    Long Live Barackas Obamus I

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    His speech last night was 30 paragraphs. 3 of them were about the actual repair and cleanup of the oil spill. 27 of them were about how bad oil companies are and how good Government is.
    Surprisingly, even MSNBC thought the president's speech was lame. Chris Matthews wasn't feeling the thrill up his leg at all last night. Is Obama out of his free passes already?

    MSNBC Crew Act Like Obama's Oval Office Speech About Gulf Oil Spill Was A Bad Joke

    MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews spend ten minutes trashing the President's Oval Office speech on BP oil leak.

    Last edited by johnsmith; June-16-10 at 07:39 AM.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    This used to be a "can do" country.
    What happened to America?
    We can't do. We play politics with everything from the quarterback armchair and root for our favorite party. Posting party nonsense on the forum isn't "can do." Playing a disaster for political purposes isn't "can do." Finger pointing isn't "can do." Government kissing the ass of corporations isn't "can do."

    The government [[aka us) will only do what we will it to do. Ultimately we vote people in or out based on our will. If we spend most of our time wanting to point fingers [[as this thread demonstrates) then the government [[we) will engage accordingly in a waste of time circle of doing nothing.

    What are we [[the government) doing about global climate change investigation? Partisan politics.

    What are we [[the government) doing about poverty and poor education in America? Partisan politics.

    What are we [[the government) doing about economics and the middle class? Partisan politics.

    What are we [[the government) doing about unbridled capitalism and export of jobs and technology? Partisan politics.

    So, what will we do about an oil spill?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Papa- what about Kevin Costner? Does he have the "can do" spirit? Maybe he will save us!


    After actor Kevin Costner spent weeks calling attention to a high-tech oil cleanup device his company spent years developing, BP tested the machine and overnight released a statement saying that not only does the device work, officials are "excited" about its potential.
    BP should have already had a fleet of these things for an emergency.

  19. #19


    nice post, east detroit

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    This used to be a "can do" country. Any other President would not rest until this leak was fixed. There would be no stone unturned and no mountain unmoved to get this leak stopped.
    Like the quick fix of the Exxon Valdez? Or the Speedy response to New Orleans after Katrina? Or dose your criticism only extend to presidents with a "D" next to their name?

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by johnsmith View Post
    Surprisingly, even MSNBC thought the president's speech was lame. Chris Matthews wasn't feeling the thrill up his leg at all last night. Is Obama out of his free passes already?
    So, because the media is supposedly liberal, does this mean Obama is too conservative, or is the media really not all that liberal?

    What say you, ditto heads?

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitej72 View Post
    So, because the media is supposedly liberal, does this mean Obama is too conservative, or is the media really not all that liberal?

    What say you, ditto heads?
    I can't give you the "dittohead" propaganda spin to this.

    Neither explanation that you tried to box this into applies here. Can't keep falling for the left vs. right us against them BS that only keeps people arguing and not thinking straight.

    I believe the media is out to hammer anyone they can, but overall do appear to give the left/liberal/democrat/whatever more of a free pass when it comes to politics. This looks like an instance of possibly seeing it for what it is, a lot of fluff and no substance coming from this speech and this administration. No pre-canned 3-word campaign slogans are available to get Obama out of this one. It seems like he's out of his league here. He seems, or more fairly, his whole adminstration seems like a deer in headlights, big time.

  23. #23


    Why haven't they revoked Obama's oil drilling privileges yet? He's just going to do the same thing all over again!

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by johnsmith View Post
    I believe the media is out to hammer anyone they can.
    Bingo. I'm glad someone else sees that.

    Quote Originally Posted by johnsmith View Post
    No pre-canned 3-word campaign slogans are available to get Obama out of this one. It seems like he's out of his league here.
    Why, because the ditto head nation and Fox News talking heads say so?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitej72 View Post
    Why, because the ditto head nation and Fox News talking heads say so?
    Do you realize with all the excuses you are making for Obama, you don't sound any different then the BushBots 4 years ago?

    All we hear is excuses for this guy's shortcomings. Yes, it's true, when you don't hold the leaders of your political party accountable for thier errors, you are nothing but a sheep.

    Just like the dumb Republicans that followed Bush no matter what Bush did, you are no better.


    Follow me! My blind sheep!

    Stop making excuses for a President who has let millions upon millions of gallons of oil leak into the Gulf Of Mexico since April the 20th, who turned down international assistance for both clean up and reapair within a week after the disaster occured, and is more interested in using the incident for his political agenda then to actually fix the problem and prove himself as a leader.

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