Nancy Pelosi voted:

NO on the Border Security Bill
NO on making the Republican tax cuts permanent
NO on eliminating the marriage penalty
NO on eliminating the death tax
NO on creating Health Savings Accounts
NO on the Defense of Marriage Act
NO on the 1996 Welfare Reform Law
[[and NO on its reauthorization)
NO on protecting the Pledge of Allegiance
NO on banning partial-birth abortion
NO on requiring a photo I.D. to ensure only legal voters vote
NO on the Patriot Act
NO on authorizing domestic tracking of terrorists
NO on military tribunals and new interrogation rules for
terrorist detainees

John Dennis voted:

YES on Immigration reform
- End of birthright citizenship
- No amnesty for illegal aliens
- No government services to illegal immigrants
YES on a scheduled reduction of income taxes leading to the repeal of the
16th Amendment
YES on the right to bear arms as defined by the Second Amendment
YES on REAL healthcare reform measures:
- Make all out-of-pocket medical expenses tax deductible
- Make insurance premiums paid by individuals tax deductible
- Eliminate legal impediments that restrict companies from opening
health Savings Accounts for employees
- Repeal government imposed requirements on what insurance
companies must cover.
- Use the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, which allows the
federal government to make interstate commerce "regular" to
repeal state laws preventing insurance companies from competing across state lines
- End corn subsidies
- End tobacco subsidies
- Urge states to loosen medical care licensing requirements and
enact reasonable, carefully considered tort reform
YES to cutting government spending
YES to the Tenth Amendment 10-4 Pledge - 10 Affirmations on
government and the sovereignty of the People; 10 Promises to be kept while holding public office.

Even a different Democrat would be an improvement.
As if one would suicide their political career to dare run against her...