Whatever happened to Steve Wilson?

Here I am, still working hard in Detroit to start an independent, non-profit news team to uncover the kind of stories Channel 7 and other local media can or will no longer support. Watch for the newly designed website and the first investigative report soon. Which public official may be headed for jail when this one breaks? Stay tuned!

Meanwhile there's a great new opportunity for you to get involved do something to make a difference and help improve local news in Detroit! Join me and others who care June 3-6 at Wayne State University for a conference to put our heads together and explore how voices often unheard or misrepresented can reshape the future of journalism in our community.

Whatever concerns and talents you have, come share ways you can get involved and make a difference right here in Detroit right now. Maybe you can snag one of four grants up to $4,000 to develop a project you have in mind.

Here's a link to learn more…and I hope to see you there.

