I think that parents should invest in life insurance for their children especially if the family lives in Detroit. I am sorry for the recent tragedies of these children and some adults.Parents should buy life or burial insurance instead of buying fancy sneakers or some video game for their children. I had heard parents asking for donations to bury or creamate their child for they don't have the money to do it. These radio stations are help soliciting with the request. I don't mind helping to donate money to a poor mother who couldnt afford with the burial. I think that mothers who lives in Detroit should think about insuring their children due to the rise of senseless violence that is occuring in the Most Dangerous City in the World. It is better to pay a monthly life insurance bill for your child than a montly satellite disk or cable bill for yourself. For those who buy their children expensive clothing on a meger salary; make sure you have life so you will have money to bury him.