I recently spent an extended period of time in Copenhagen Denmark. I was astonished by the number of people that used the water taxi there. Granted, that is a city obsessed with traveling in any way that does not involve a car, but I still think this would have potential in Detroit.

It may not be practical for the every day working person, but I think it could work on a part time basis.

Scenario 1: Downtown festivals always cause havoc with traffic and parking. Imagine parking in St. Clair Shores, or Grosse Pointe and being able to get to Rivertown or Downtown without dealing with any traffic and having a scenic ride along the way. Imagine coming from downriver without having to navigate the constant construction mess around Marounland.

Scenario 2: In the summer time people love to spend time downtown but often the cost of parking for events in a deterrent. There are tons of people that would love the opportunity to get out on the lake/river, but do not have access to a boat. This is an opportunity for people to get to a particular place, and have some fun along the way.

River taxi's are used around the world as a viable transportation alternative AND a tourist attraction all at the same time. Does anyone think this could work in Detroit?