Over the last year or so, I've been trying to visit all of the vacant schools in Detroit. As discussed in other threads, demolition has started on 10 of these schools.

Dexter Ferry Elementary - 1922-2005

Ferry elementary operated from 1922 until its closure in 2005. Only 263 students were left when it closed. I recall the school being well secured in the summer of 2008 or 2009, but by the time these pictures were taken, there had been at least two major fires.

Dexter Ferry in the 1920's.

Dexter Ferry, 2010.

While taking this picture, some neighborhood kids saw one of us in a window and came into the school looking for us. I stood in this spot [[which was actually quite dark) for almost 10 minutes as they roamed the halls, yelling and singing. Eventually they got bored and left.

As of the beginning of May, asbestos abatement work was well under way