^ DetroitTeacher, I am truly sorry about this. I didn't agree with everything Bobb was doing, but I felt that he was really cleaning house at the administrative level and reducing theft. However, I've lost respect for him because of this.

About teachers teaching without pay, DT -- you and I know that teachers do this all the time, without hesitation, which is why people who think we are greedy get to me. I worked my first three months in DPS without pay -- back then, people explained to me that "it takes 90 days for you to get on the payroll." WHAT???

The fact that Bobb is refusing to allow you to finish up that program for FREE says so much about the agenda of the people behind him. Bobb himself is only the tip of the iceberg.

Because of his "tantrum", as you call it, instead of being in summer school, kids who need remediation will be roaming the streets, bored during the long, hot months. If this is reform, they can have it. The status quo in DPS was untenable, but the jury is still out on what's happening now.