Quote Originally Posted by wolverine View Post
I really don't understand why this is necessary. Just put up with the traffic jams like the rest of the world.
because traffic jams = economic inefficiency

countless millions, if not billions of dollars are lost in wasted time and fuel sitting in traffic. The efficient movement of people and goods is an economic generator in and of itself. If one region or country can move people and goods faster and cheaper then they have a competitive advantage over other locales. Part of the economic boom that occurred in this country post WWII was in part to the massive investment that was made in our transportation system via the Interstate Highway system.

Now I don't exactly think that the continued solution is to "build our way out" of congestion through highway expansion alone. In fact a comprehensive transportation solution is required. However, the fact of the matter remains that any investment in our transportation network is paid back and some in increased economic activity and efficiency.