Wayne State has an unbelievable collection of old photos of Detroit from many different centuries, many probably all ready know about it, the "Virtual Motor City".

Anyway, I stumbled across some old pictures of Grosse Pointe streets from the 1960's and 70's, with which look like a canopy of Elm Trees[[?) covering the streets, the photographs are very beautiful.

By looking at the pictures can anyone tell which exact streets these photographs were taken? And if these beautiful pictures still resemble the same scene today with the beautiful, which I think, are Elm Tree canopies?

According to the photographs titles, the pictures where taken in "Grosse Pointe", which I would assume means the City of Grosse Pointe, not the Farms, Park, Woods, or Shores.

Grosse Pointe: taken in the 1960's:

Grosse Pointe: taken in the 1970's:

Here is a link to the website, the WSU virtual motor city has some awesome photographs: