DY members, the Redford theatre will present the 1925 silent film classic "My Best Girl" starring Mary Pickford and Buddy Rogers this coming saturday evening, April 25th at 8:00. Included on the program will be a short presentation about silent films from Cristel Schmidt, from the Library of Congress, She will be bringing the short comedy "They would elope", an early [[1909) Pickford film also on the bill.
Of particular interest to DY members will be the showing of several Detroit News silent newsreels from the 1920s, this is the first theatrical exhibition of these newsreels since they were originally shown. These newsreels are provided to the Redford by the Wayne State University's Walter P. Reuther library.
All of these films won't be completely silent--Detroit theatre organist John Lauter will be scoring these films live at the Redford theatre‘s Barton theatre pipe organ, as they were in the 1920s.

Tickets are $10 and will be available at the door. The Redford theatre is located at 17360 Lahser road, just north of Grand River avenue in Detroit.
Free, supervised parking is available in the theatre's two parking lots located to the immediate north of the building along Lahser.