Thanks Steve for your outstanding work! You are so very good at putting these sleaze ball politicians on their guard! To me, the medium known as Broadcast Journalism has become as bad as a poorly written, formula style Romance Novel! Every station in town comes on with "BREAKING NEWS" which is usually some bullshit story involving a seeing eye dog peeing on a blind man's leg. I personally don't give a rat's wrist about who's winning American Idol, or another station shilling another show to bolster their evening ratings. I want to see hard news, News that will help me decide who's fit to govern this State, Nation or my City, not some crap on some special diet to lose 20 pounds...

Again, Thanks so very much, especially for breaking Kwame's arrogance toward the people that elected him to provide for them, and then he takes a giant one all over them living like he's the freaking King of Detroit, or in the words of Orwell in Animal Farm: "All pigs are equal, some more equal than others" to paraphrase the quote a bit...How are we going to find out about his troubles when the FBI finally brings the RICO [[possibly spelled wrong) charges, or when Riddle finally gets his comeuppance...