Ive been calling for a red light district in Detroit for years now on this site. Wasn't so popular an idea 4 or 5 yrs ago. Glad to see more ppl are jumping on board. Its just common sense that you cant stop supply and demand, you can try and steer it but you cant stop it.

Detroit would be the perfect testing grounds but I hear Za Za Gabores husband is running for governor of CA. and proposing a similar idea. Interested to see how that goes.

As long as we're dreaming, I propose Chene between I-94 and Forest, I would love to see that area come back. As long as we're legalizing the minor stuff can we decrim the cocaine and heroin, Im sick of hearing about the prison system becoming big business in the area of storing people because of mandatory minimums.

Anyone remember Mayor Kurt Schmoke? he tried to steer Baltimore in a similar direction of legalization but wound up shooting himself in the foot with that idea, but that was many years ago.