There had been a report that the cancer rate is very high for those Southwest Detroit residents living within these two zipcodes. Asthma is extremelely high among the children population in that area. You have those plants and other factories in that area. I was bored yesterday morning and had listen to WCHB. The host had interviewed residences in that area who loved ones and neighbors had died of cancer.Unfortunately the host didn't have the knowledge to ask what politician had gotten paid to ignore the situation in that area where there are homes, Southwestern High School, and other schools, stores and businesses over there. Students at Southwestern had did a experiment a few years back. They had ridden around the area with a white towel impailled on a stick. The towel was sooty and dark after the test drive. They had proven how unsafe the area is. Kwame Kenyatta had phoned in to WCHB and said that he is establishing a 6 months study of the area and going to have a task force with him to do it. A representative had been interviewed also. I didn't here an outcry to the Congress person or senator who represent the area. The companies in that area should pay for the relocation of the residence to safer areas in the city. If the homeowner had paid off his/his house in the area, the companies should buy them a house in the safer part of the city paid in full.