Here are some crazy thoughts I had while during a recent discussion on DetroitYes..

DetroitYes is largely a nest of liberals. That is my impression from the main forum. Because of that I was a little surprised when the the conservative topic of " Obama Self-Inflicted Mortal Wound " came up that all the liberal arguing was mostly left to ghettopalmetto. ghettopalmetto made a valiant effort and I salute her for engaging in the interesting conversation. And I don't mean to pick on her. But the thing that most struck me by her arguments, was the tone and the constant attack on her opponents intelligence, not on her opponents arguements, on their basic intelligence. .She had plenty of arguments, but she could not state the argument without attacking the arguer The interesting observation is that ghettopalmetto, is the prefect example of liberals in general.

She does it in every post at which I looked. I included excerpts from her first five posts in " Obama Self-Inflicted Mortal Wound " down below. Again, I am not picking on her, I am generalizing from her.

The other examples I am thinking of are the newspeople on MSNBC who always sneer when they talk about mega-churches or tea-baggers. And I'm thinking of ordinary people I have met who did stuff like rub pictures of George Bush's face in dog poop.

Of course there are always exceptions, so I should say most liberals do this. Nevertheless if you think about it, I think you will see it is very pervasive.

In logic, this is called the "argument against the man". You attack her person instead of the argument.

I have developed a theory as to why liberals do this.

[[1) Liberals think they have science on their side.
[[2) Liberals think they are deducing morality from scientific knowledge, so there is really no point in arguing against them.
[[3) Liberals think they understand conservative points of view.
[[4) Liberals think they are more evolved, they've simply moved beyond the conservative points of view..

I think that explains the nastyness.

And while I'm in the contemplative mood, here are a couple other observations:

[[5) Liberals have good intentions
[[6) Liberals think they are unprejudiced
[[7) Liberals try to remove the bad consequnces when people make mistakes.
[[8) Liberals try to over-protect people, save them from themselves, and this has the bad effect of eroding the rights of those over-protected. The best way to make someone a slave is to give them stuff.

Concerning observation [[1), conservatives are always going to have their hands full when justifying literal belief in Creationism, Noah's ark, and lack of belief in evolution, but I think that liberals lean too heavily on science and attempt to deduce things from it that don't follow from it, hence observation [[2).

Concerning the rest of it, I'm just wondering if it is enough to spark a conversation.


1st post
>>Funny enough, the people who say things like this are precisely the type of people who don't think for themselves.

2nd post
>>When the vast majority of the nation is uneducated, and a segment of that portion is frankly, dumber than toast, you can't just assume that everyone grasps Keynesian economics

3rd post
The members of the Republican party don't know what it's like to actually work for a living, and most of the people who elect them aren't educated or skilled enough to create their own jobs

4th post
The administration has a responsibility to defend their policies in the face of ignorance ... Obama's fault is that he acts as if Joe the Plumber is as intelligent and well-versed as he is, when this is clearly not the case.

5th post
Something like 25% of adults over age 24 in the United States have a bachelor's degree or higher. While a degree in itself is not indicative of any special level of genius or intelligence, college and university is, without a doubt the arena in which critical analysis and synthesis skills are learned--especially when we've reduced our primary and secondary educational systems to a series of multiple-guess tests.

In other words, 75% of adults in this country simply do not have the skills necessary to dissect and formulate arguments. Never mind comprehension of the intricacies of government, economics, and policy.

Furthermore, according to the Editorial Projects in Education Research Center, the high school graduation rate in the United States was 69.2% as of 2006 [[ In Nevada, this percentage was an appalling 47.2%. This means that 30% of adults in this country lack even a basic functionality. And wanna guess who comprises the vast majority of our current unemployed?

6th post
'm saying that a significant percentage of the electorate is undereducated, and has not a fucking clue what they're talking about when it comes to politics, economics, or policy. A person who barely passed Algebra I has no right to be crying about the federal budget.