At least they should be, as placing anything into an environment that would not occur there naturally is pollution...

Funny, they didn't feel compelled to protest Bush's record expansion of the federal government or his record spending. Why are people such sheep? The upper 1% doesn't want to pay a 10% LOWER tax rate than under Reagan, so they finance this embarrassing campaign and again try to con the working man? Wake up America! The republican party works for ... Read Morethe Waltons, not for you!

99 3/4% of them don't know the Boston Tea Party was held in protest of a huge CORPORATE TAX BREAK. These mutton-heads are being tea bagged alright... tell me, how do the balls of the upper 1% taste?

Oh and by the way the highest growth rate the US economy ever saw was when the richest 1% were taxed at 90%! Check the tax rates from the 40s up till Reagan and the corresponding growth..