Thread Revived Jan.12, 2014 - Click Here to jump to new conversation >>
In the thread about Stella, I posted the things I miss about Greektown. So in honor of Stella who was a fixure in Greektown, what are your memories of Greektown?

Anyone who is near forty or older know that the Greektown of today is a shell of what Greektown used to be. I remember going to the festivals back in the 80's and the sidewalks in Greektown were packed with people. You had to walk in the street because there were so many people on the sidewalk.

Places like the Golden Fleece used to be filled with people craving the lamb they had spinning behind the counter. The Athens Bar was packed every Friday and Saturday night for karaoke. Trapper's Alley had stores, restaurants and bars before slot machines. I remember the Trapper Bar packed when the Wings won the Cup in 97. Want the best breakfast sandwich, got to Plaka's. Of course there was Niki's and Fishbone's and I guess you could say Floods's is in Greektown but the old Greektown was life and now well all you see is Greektown Casino.