Some terribly sad news from the Netherlands. Just an hour ago it was announced that the last surviving member of the Group that helped the Frank family in WWII , Miep Gies, has died at the grand old age of 100.
Report from the BBC.
When the family were found by the authorities, they were deported, and Anne died of typhus in the German concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen.
It was Mrs Gies who collected up Anne's papers and locked them away, hoping that one day she would be able to give them back to the girl.
In the event, she returned them to Otto Frank, who survived the war, and helped him compile them into a diary that was published in 1947.
It went on to sell tens of millions of copies in dozens of languages.
Mrs Gies became a kind of ambassador for the diary, travelling to talk about Anne Frank and her experiences, campaigning against Holocaust denial and refuting allegations that the diary was a forgery.
For her efforts to protect the Franks and to preserve their memory, Mrs Gies won many accolades.
She's done so much for the world. Anne wrote it, Miep was it's spiritual mother.
Rest in peace.