Quote Originally Posted by davewindsor View Post
This survey sounds hard to believe as the last time I drove to Troy it didn't look like it has a 29.5% office vacancy compared to CBD's 31.4%; whereas, driving around CBD, I could believe those vacancy rates. I look further down in the report and it says, "Inventory: Office inventory includes all multi-tenant and
single tenant buildings at least 20,000 square feet. Owner-occupied,
government and medical buildings are not included.."

Owner-occupied, government and medical buildings can account for a marked difference between Troy's and CBD's vacancy rate. The RenCentre is owner-occupied. Compuware is owner-occupied. The Guardian is a gov't building. I don't think Troy's office market is anywhere near as bad as CBD.
I think you provided an extremely faulty piece of anecdotal evidence to refute the statistics. I don't know how one sees vacancy rates of office buildings from driving around in his car. But okay.

And keep in mind that abandoned buildings are not included in the calculation of vacancy rates, because abandoned buildings typically don't have immediately usable office space.