I hope the tenant knows the implication of opening a commercial medical marijuana facility at this stage of the medical marijuana legislation.

As of now, there is no legislation that permits any commercial growing whatsoever. It is still a schedule 1 drug, no matter how controversial it is. There are severe FEDERAL penalties for any sale/use/possession regardless of state laws. President Obama did state that he will no longer have the DEA go after states that have medical marijuana laws, but there is no guarantee, and the DEA may shut this facility down like it has other facilities operating legally within local and state laws, in California.

Beyond this, creating a commercial facility will HURT the medical marjiuana supporters, as the Medical Marihuana Act of 2008 can be revised two years after it has been voted for. How do you think voters would act when they see pot-shops on every corner [[its bound to spread beyond this building), in November 2010 when they can revise or even eliminate the act? The greedy few are trying to capitalize on medical marijuana, when the patients who need it will suffer if the law is gone.

Also, 3420 square feet seems pretty large when a single person can only have 12 plants or 2.5 ounces. Collectives are not permitted.
