Quote Originally Posted by Flanders View Post
I frequently post on another baseball forum, and occassionally will browse this one to see if anyone has recently added a reply or two, and only Smogboy has made any effort, but apparently he gave it up as well.
I haven't given up one bit. This is still OUR Detroit Tigers. I've just been busy pushing the rock uphill trying to make a semi-honest buck. Real life has just kicked my butt as of late and all I've been able to do is just check out the box scores the day after. I wish I could've taken the time to go down and watch a game in person, listen to the game or see it on the tube. It just hasn't happened for me and please don't think I don't care for this team. I really do love this game.

And to mention I'm just making the transition from the Red Wings ouster to baseball. I'm still mourning no winged wheel in June.

But from what little baseball I have seen as of late has been this...

1) Miguel Cabrera- Wow. This guy very well could be a triple crown threat. He seems to have righted his own ship and last year's off field issues have not been a problem at all. He truly is a threat every time he steps up to the plate. His fielding really has come a long way too. I still remember the knock on him when he played third but since transitioning over to 1B, he's been stellar.

2) Brennan Boesch- what a pleasant surprise so far. He seems too have found a nice groove with his timely hitting. It's actually a joy to see a Toledo call-up hit so well.

3) Justin Verlander seems to have his fire and competitive nature back on the bump. He seems to have really mastered throwing the heat as well as the change-up. What a nice range going from 78MPH to his near 100MPH bullets.

4) Austin Jackson- He's making a darn good case to forget about Curtis Granderson. He's patrolling a massive CF with some authority and is hitting an amazing average.

5) The bullpen has been stellar.

6) I wish we could get some power batting from either one of our catchers. Laird & Avila haven't exactly swung the bat with any authority or moxie.

7) Scherzer has been a disappointment so far. He's going to play himself out of the line-up if he continues to serve up the IKEA meatballs to the opposing team. I've heard rumors that he's tipping off his fastball and if he is, needs to figure it out fast.

8) Nice outings as of late from Dontrelle Willis & Jeremy Bonderman. Good going and way to fight and claw themselves into a measure of respectability. Keep up the good work!

9) No offense to Scott Sizemore, but I do miss Polanco and his timely hitting.

10) We need Ravine kvetching about this game & team again. Kansas City be damned; we'll get over that hump somehow. And we'll get better dialogue going about this team going. Like I said before, it's OUR team- if anyone's going to discuss it smartly and rationally, it's going to be us- the loyal fans.