Opportunity is knocking loudly for the climate-change industry lobby in the post-climategate era; but it's leaders are too subborn to hear it.

For years the global warming movement has had to counter a skeptical public in the face of real world experience of increasingly cold winters, shorter summers, and increasing heating costs.

Now, instead of also finding a way to diminish and marginalize the leaking of background emails from CRU showing manipulation of data over years to produce findings that support global warming; the climate change lobby should embrace reality instead of fighting it.

Now is the time to admit you were wrong all along.

That the problem is NOT global warming, it's global freezing!

You simply had the charts upside down and didn't know it!!

Sure, you may pay a small price by being seen as some as mere fickle opportunists tailoring your message to suit whatever data happens along; but at least you won't have to struggle embarrasingly to blatantly defend phony evidence.